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2022 Dialogues in the Disciplines

March 25, 2022

Using UDL to Advance Accessibility and Equity

Keynote Presentation

UDL, Assessment and Engagement

This keynote will introduce participants to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) - an educational framework that incorporates flexibility into the design of their assessments from the outset in order to avoid time-consuming retrofitting after the fact. The speakers will highlight how UDL helps faculty members and instructional designers develop assessments that reduce barriers to learning and facilitate meaningful participation by all students. 

Presented by:  Amanda Bastoni, Educational Research Scientist, CAST and Jason Marshall, Educational Specialist

View the presentation HERE.

A copy of the presentation is available HERE.

Workshop #1:

How to Ensure your Use of Media and Materials Advances Accessibility and Equity

For the first part of this session, we will examine how educators can incorporate the UDL principles and practices with the flexibility of technology and digital media to increase learners’ ability to demonstrate what they know. We will discuss how, when, and why they use video and other creative tools in the design of assessments. The final 45 mins of the session will include breakout and whole group discussions. Participants should come ready to share ways they are currently using technology to increase the flexibility of their assessments with the group. All participants should bring an example of an assessment to share with the group. 

Presented by:  Christine Jones, Researcher and Consultant

View the presentation HERE.

A copy of the presentation is available HERE.

Workshop #2:

Accessibility & Policy Workshop

For the first part of this session, we will highlight the legal obligations of postsecondary institutions to ensure that all students are provided with equal opportunities to learn. Given the increased use of technology and online learning in higher education, UDL emphasizes the importance of considering accessibility from the outset when designing assessments. The final 45 mins of the session will include breakout and whole group discussions. Participants should come with questions and each person should bring an assessment document to workshop and/or re-design.

Presented by:  Luis F. PĂ©rez, Technical Assistance Specialist, CAST

View the presentation HERE.

A copy of the presentation is available HERE.

Workshop #3:

Course Design:  how formative assessments can be used to increase

engagement and learning

This session will focus on how formative assessments can be utilized to increase engagement and learning throughout the design of a course. The final 45 minutes of the session will include breakout and whole group discussions. Participants should come ready to discuss the barriers that prevent the use of formative assessments, and all participants should bring an example of a formative assessment to share.  

Presented by:  Tracey Hall, Senior Research Scientist and Instructional Designer, CAST

View the presentation HERE.

A copy of the presentation is available HERE.

Thank you to CAST, our Diamond Level Sponsor for the 2022 Dialogues in the Disciplines

New England Educational Assessment Network 

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